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For Companies Seeking Funds, please read this section:

Deal Criteria Statement

The TCAngels® is primarily focused on seed or early-stage companies with strong teams, proprietary technology, and big markets. We invest in the range of $25k to $2 million.

Twin Cities Angels charges no fees from presenting companies of any kind.

Review and Selection Process

If you submit your company information, it will be forwarded to our Screening committee for review. This committee is made up of our members who may be experts from many industries including life sciences, information technology, retail, green/alternative energy and other markets. This committee reviews approximately 8 - 16 plans per 6-week period, and selects at most 2 companies to invite to present at our next dinner meeting. You may be asked to attend or be available for a call from the Screening committee meeting to discuss your plan and review your presentation in advance of being selected to present at a Dinner meeting.

Selected Companies Process

As many as three companies will present to the full Twin Cities Angels dinner meeting. In the time between selection and presentation, TCAngels® provides value-added preparatory services to the companies. In concert with selected service providers, Twin Cities Angels may help the companies refine both their written and oral presentations in preparation for the dinner. Each company has a total of 30 minutes in front of the membership, 15 minutes to present followed by 15 for Q/A.

Due Diligence

Following your presentation and Q&A, the Members will vote on whether there is interest in progressing to the due diligence stage and potentially investing. If so, we will appoint a member to lead this due diligence team. This member will contact you to start the process of due diligence. Due diligence may take 2 to 6 weeks to complete depending upon how well prepared you are for potential investor questions. During or shortly after the due diligence period, we may begin the process of negotiating the terms of a potential investment.

Negotiation of a potential investment

Once due diligence is completed, this team returns to the membership to review the results of their work and make a recommendation on whether the Twin Cities Angels should invest and under what terms. If the membership approves an investment, the due diligence team leader and/or a member of our negotiation committee will complete negotiation of terms of that potential investment.

Once the terms are fully negotiated and approved by the membership the investment can be made.


TCAngels® reviews more than 240 deals per year. We expect to invest in 4 to 6 deals per year. Obviously this is a competitive dynamic. Nevertheless, our goal is to provide as much value as possible to all companies that apply to the Twin Cities Angels. Many companies that do not progress further in our process still benefit from it; especially those that make it to a dinner presentation.

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