Entrepreneurs wanting to bring an opportunity to the Twin Cities Angels’ attention should contact us by email. To introduce an opportunity, entrepreneurs should submit the following information to bplans@TCAngels.com:
1) Executive summary *
2) Business plan *
3) PPM, if this has been created
4) An example, 15-minute presentation *
5) Contact information for management *
6) Capital requirements
7) Term sheet if there is one
8) Anything else the Company thinks we need to know
* Minimum requirements
We accept only non-confidential information, do not sign confidentiality agreements, and all information must be in electronic form - pdfs are ideal. The size of the files provided needs to be less than 3 mb with all files totaling 10 Mb or less.
The information you provide should address the following elements:
The problem you solve
The technology behind your solution, and how is it protected
Size and growth rate of the potential market
Current and likely future competitors
Sales and marketing plan
Your team of managers, investors, professional service providers and advisors
The milestones achievable with the capital requested, plus future funding plan
Financial overview
Valuation metrics and the possible timing of the liquidity event
Executive Summaries must not exceed three pages (at least 10-point font in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format). Since the TCA cannot sign Non-disclosure/Confidentiality Agreements, entrepreneurs must be judicious regarding the extent of proprietary information revealed. The screening committee will recommend opportunities conforming to the Twin Cities Angels’ investment criteria for presentation to the membership.
Lastly, please provide your organization's contact's name, address, office phone, cell phone, fax, email address.
After reviewing this information, additional information may be requested as necessary. We will attempt to review information as expeditiously as possible.
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