During each screening session you will have approximately 15 minutes to make a formal presentation followed by 15 minutes of Q&A. We generally hold the Q&A after you're finished making your formal presentation.
We will provide the PC, projector, and screen. You will provide the presentation to us in advance of the meeting to assure all is ready and working properly.
Internet access may be available but we cannot guarantee it, so do not depend on it to make your presentation.
PowerPoint slideshow. Slideshows with approximately 10-12 slides are generally most effective. Use the limited time you have to make your presentation to emphasize the compelling factors about your investment opportunity and save unnecessary technology details for future meetings. We recommend the following slides for your presentation:
At the conclusion of your presentation, it is most likely that you will not receive a decision from the participants, but that a decision will be conveyed to you by the sponsor in about 1 to 2 weeks.
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