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Helping Minnesota’s Startups Succeed!

Our Charter.
Twin Cities Angels provides a formal organization for our entrepreneurially-minded angel-investor. Members share interests in: increasing their access to quality deal flow; leveraging their capital with greater investment clout from the combined dollars of the group; leveraging their time and expertise with other experienced members; making better researched and more intelligent investments through high-quality due diligence; increasing their knowledge about and how to make such investments; and socializing among like-minded individuals.

Our Objective.
Achieve an outstanding financial return on their time commitment and invested capital.

Investment/Market Focus
We focus where our members have expertise: medical technology: devices, diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, biotech, veterinary medicine; and Information Technology; and other areas as expertise is identified. Twin Cities Angels was established in 2006. TCAngels® provide seed and early-stage capital in the range of $25,000 to $2 million, an investment range not generally served by venture capitalists. The Twin Cities Angels Fund I, LLC is a contributed capital and “side-by-side” angel fund with members and partners from throughout Minnesota.

Funding Stage.
We prefer the relatively early stage where we can lead or participate to the greatest extent in the formation and support of a successful business. We have participated in later stage financing where this has been attractive.

Twin Cities Angels seeks deal flow in the greater Twin Cities Area of Minneapolis/St. Paul, the state of Minnesota and within a reasonable distance into nearby states such as Wisconsin, Iowa, and the Dakotas.

Our Members.
We share an enthusiasm for the start-up environment, and make a commitment to participate in the organization: active involvement in generating deal flow, attending meetings, assisting in/contributing to due diligence efforts. Our members have industry or functional expertise to contribute to the group. They enjoy mentoring new companies and applying their successful work experience and business judgment. Members agree to help seek out and provide deal-flow. Most members are referred by other members, are accredited investors, and join because they have an interest in having more personal involvement and interaction in angel investing.

Member Meetings.
Regular scheduled meetings are an integral part of the organization. Members meet over dinner to meet with pre-screened companies, and vote on potential investments. Members are also educated on areas of interest: how to perform due diligence, deal flow creation, legal aspects of investing, term sheet key terms, the venture industry, technologies and other areas of specific interest.

To inquire about membership, please review the “Membership” silo. If you are an entrepreneur who wants to learn more about our funding process and how to apply for funding, please review the “Entrepreneurs” silo.

We welcome and encourage your suggestions, comments, and questions to

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